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提前预订 优惠立享

Early Bird Special
Enjoy a 10% discount on the standard room rate and complimentary breakfast buffet at naked Retreats when you book 14 days in advance.
Take advantage of our early bird special and book your dream holiday now!

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400 9200 518

套餐预订条款 Package Terms and Conditions

  • 此套餐必须提前14日预订
    Bookings must be made 14 days in advance.
  • 预订时须全额支付房费,预订成功不可修改、取消或退款
    Full price to be pre-paid upon time of reservation. Confirmed reservations are non-refundable.
  • 全额付款后如客人取消预订,缩短入住时间或到期未入住,仍需支付全额住宿费用。
    Cancellations, changes to stay duration and no-shows, are subject to the full charge of the stay.
  • 此套餐不得与其它优惠同时使用
    Offer cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions.
  • 此套餐不适用于团队预订
    Offer is not applicable for group bookings.
  • 所有预订需视酒店空房状况
    Offer is subject to availability.
  • 以上价格均需加收10%的服务费。所有价格及服务费需另加收国家规定的相应增值税税金6%。
    Rates are subject to a 16.6% service charge and government VAT.
  • 一周内不同时期会有特殊限制(周五、周六及中国法定节假日期间两晚起订)
    Special restrictions may apply during weekends and Chinese public holidays (minimum two-night stay during Fridays, Saturdays and Chinese public holidays).
  • 在法律允许的范围内,裸心度假村有权根据需要取消本活动计划或增删、修订本活动规定的权利,并于裸心度假村网站公告后生效
    naked Retreats has the right to cancel this offer or change whose rules within Chinese law, changed rules will become effective as soon as being published on the website